Indigenous Peoples Parade reminds us of America’s founding genocide

By Lucy Komisar
Oct 15, 2022

It takes a long time to raise consciousness! Americans have been celebrating Columbus Day since October 12, 1792. Organized by the Society of St. Tammany, also known as the Columbian Order, it commemorated the 300th anniversary of Columbus’ landing. Not mentioned it was the anniversary of the American genocide of the people who happened to be living there. For a long time called “Indians” because Columbus though he had fought a route to India’s riches, but now known as Native Americans. Meaning they were there before most “Americans'” ancestors.

So, at a time of challenging the founding lies of the country, including the Declaration’s signers’ agreement to cut out a challenge to slavery, it is about time and way too late to have this parade as a challenge to the Columbus killer celebration.

In New York City on October 15th, from Madison Square Park and down Broadway, first banners of the nations.

And then a celebration of dancers and musicians.

And the traditional figures in costumes.

And the last about the missing women, kidnapped, killed, the murderers never pursued or punished.

A kid to remind. And a banner, “We’re still here!”

For more information:

Photos by Lucy Komisar.

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