Lucy asks NATO Sec Gen Stoltenberg about NATO support of 2014 coup against elected government of Ukraine

Lucy asks NATO Sec Gen Stoltenberg about NATO support of 2014 coup against elected government of Ukraine

Sept 26. 2024 – Hello. I’m Lucy Komisar. I’m a journalist.

So, I wanted to ask whether any of these things had led to the situation now: First, the NATO expansion to the east, against the promise made to Gorbachev. The support of the 2014 coup against an elected government of Ukraine because it wanted an economic deal with Russia instead of the EU. Eight years of Ukraine bombing the breakaway Donbas of Russia(n) speakers who were opposed to the coup. And then the U.S. supporting the military that ended up on the border, about to invade, in the Donbas that caused the Russian invasion. Did any of this happen? And by the way, you mentioned the Minsk Accords, and those were violated because the U.S. and the U.K. told Zelensky don’t do it. So it seems to me, from my vantage point, that NATO and the U.S. have been using this war as a proxy war against the Russians, and the poor Ukrainians have been the cannon fodder.

Whitney Biennial 2024: some good pieces but Woke Art is soporific!

Whitney Biennial 2024: some good pieces but Woke Art is soporific!

If you took the white cards explaining many of the “art” works (some colorful shmattas, geometrical designs, my favorite fake art, a display of medicine cabinets), threw them in the air and then attached them haphazardly to any of the works, they would be the same: “this work is about the oppression of (fill in the blanks) and the destruction of (the environment or fill in the blanks) by predatory capitalism.”

Queens College president had police waiting at gates of commencement

Queens College president had police waiting at gates of commencement

June 2, 2024 – President Frank Wu of Queens College of the public City University of New York (CUNY) celebrated its 100th anniversary commencement May 30th by having New York Police Department troops stationed outside the campus gates. They were placed so that people entering could not see them. He has for a month locked the college to anyone without credentials, “to bar disruption.”

“Adiós Buenos Aires” appealing and sensitive look at the lives of working-class Argentines trying to survive

“Adiós Buenos Aires” appealing and sensitive look at the lives of working-class Argentines trying to survive

Director Germán Kral’s fine “Adiós Buenos Aires” is a realistic and sensitive look at the lives of working-class Argentines desperately trying to survive and even prosper in the face of a government that does little for their welfare and, to top that, suddenly in 2001 limits withdrawals from their own bank accounts. All true. But the film is not depressing. It’s warm and appealing.

Film “The Price of Truth” anti-Russia propaganda about “Nobel Prize” editor

Film “The Price of Truth” anti-Russia propaganda about “Nobel Prize” editor

I visited Russia twice, before and after the collapse of Communism and even attempted to learn Russian, not getting much beyond waiter and taxi talk, though I can pick up film and political speakers with the help of subtitles. So as an investigative reporter, not a film critic, to understand this film about a Russian editor who won a Nobel Prize, I sent a screening of this film to world-class Russia expert, Richard Sakwa. He is Emeritus Professor of Russian and European politics at the University of Kent (England). He was also the head of the University’s Politics and International Relations department, has lived and taught in Russia and has published sixteen books on Soviet, Russian and post-communist affairs.

My story: 1976 Kissinger told Pinochet he supported anti-Allende coup

My story: 1976 Kissinger told Pinochet he supported anti-Allende coup

Reading another of the “Kissinger the killer” stories, I came across a link in Rolling Stone to a piece I wrote in 1999 that revealed for the first time how Kissinger met with Pinochet and told him he though what he was doing was great to fight the Communists. I had discovered links to documents in the Ford Presidential Library and gotten them through a FOIA request.

PEN America’s scandalous failure to campaign for Julian Assange

PEN America’s scandalous failure to campaign for Julian Assange

Nov 2, 2023 – Today is the United Nations International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. A week ago, at the Council on Foreign Relations, I asked Suzanne Nossel, CEO* of PEN and a former State Department official, why she has not led a campaign to free Julian Assange, who I described as the world’s most famous journalist political prisoner, imprisoned by the U.S. and UK.

My story 40 years ago on Israeli apartheid and Palestinian resistance

My story 40 years ago on Israeli apartheid and  Palestinian resistance

Oct 29, 2023 – I wrote about Israeli apartheid over 40 years ago. I visited Israel and the West Bank in 1981. Egyptian president Anwar Sadat had just been assassinated, though my visit had been planned before that. First I went on a trip organized for journalists by the Israeli government. Then, believing I hadn’t been shown the full story, I went months later on my own. This is what I wrote for The Nation, prescient in the title, “The West Bank as Bantustan.”

NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg lies to Komisar at CFR meeting

NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg lies to Komisar at CFR meeting

Sept 23, 2023 – My question to NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg at the Council on Foreign Relations meeting Thurs Sept 22 elicited his lies about NATO’s “not one inch East” agreement and the US-sponsored 2014 coup against elected head of Ukraine. I was stopped before talking about Ukraine shelling of Donbass from 2014 and Ukraine forces massed on Donbass border that provoked Russian to move troops in. Stoltenberg’s response is a defense of U.S. hegemony.

Catherine Austin Fitts interviews Lucy on investigating U.S. life insurance companies — watch or download

Catherine Austin Fitts interviews Lucy on investigating U.S. life insurance companies — watch or download

March 4, 2023 – Catherine Austin Fitts writes: “As soon as I learned Lucy had published a new investigation, I immediately asked her to join me on the Solari Report.”
” Lucy found a disturbing pattern. Americans buy an insurance policy. And then quietly, the company starts to move or lower the quality of its assets in a manner that impacts or threatens the value of our policy. Policyholders have no burglar alarm to warn there fundamental change in the deal – or the price at which the deal was made – and we need to pay attention.”

Remembering “Town Bloody Hall” 51 years later

April 30, 2022 – April 30th is the 51st anniversary of the extraordinary 1971 Town Hall New York gathering of feminists (and a prominent antagonist). It was billed as a women’s liberation dialogue. D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hagedus filmed it and called their documentary “Town Bloody Hall,” after a comment by Germaine Greer.

A gay rights article I wrote 56 years ago had an impact

A gay rights article I wrote 56 years ago had an impact

April 23, 2022 – A story I wrote in 1966 was acknowledged this week at the unveiling of a plaque at Julius’ bar in Greenwich Village commemorating the day, April 21, 1966, when three members of the Mattachine Society challenged the New York State Liquor Authority’s rule banning homosexuals from bars.

All you need to know about Russia and the West shown in reporter John Helmer’s satirical graphics and text

All you need to know about Russia and the West shown in reporter John Helmer’s satirical graphics and text

Feb 21, 2022 – John Helmer, a journalist in Moscow since 1989, has published a brilliant comic graphic-text primer about Russia, its outside enemies and corrupt insiders. In just over 100 pages of comment and vivid cartoons you will learn the stories of the major deep state inventions of most of the last decade or so: faked stories about Navalny, the Skripals, the downing of the MH17 in Ukraine, media propagandists, esp Russophobes Anne Applebaum and Canadian deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland. Also Russian inside-dealing including Putin’s gifts to some bigtime oligarchs. No surprise that Helmer got a death threat after that one.

“United States vs. Reality Winner” is a fake film about a phony heroine

“United States vs. Reality Winner” is a fake film about a phony heroine

Oct 16, 2021 – “United States vs. Reality Winner” directed by Sonia Kennebeck is a fake documentary that opened the Double Exposure Film Festival October 13th. It is a deceptive and dishonest film that carefully avoids telling the true story of this phony “heroine” who leaked an unverified document that said the Kremlin hacked U.S. voting machines and was sentenced to prison under the Espionage Act.

“Son of the South” riveting true docudrama of a white Alabama activist in the 1960s

“Son of the South” riveting true docudrama of a white Alabama activist in the 1960s

April 18, 2021 – I met Bob Zellner in 1960 at the Shaw University, Raleigh NC, conference that founded SNCC, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the youth shock troops of the 1960s civil rights movement. This compelling docudrama, “Son of the South,” by Barry Alexander Brown, is based on Zellner’s 2008 memoir, The Wrong Side of Murder Creek: A White Southerner in the Freedom Movement.

Getting a Covid shot when the (alternative) system works

Getting a Covid shot when the (alternative) system works

Mar 19, 2021 – It is almost surreal that individuals have to negotiate on their own to get Covid shots, because this is a country where the government serves the medical industry instead of its citizens. That is why in the “we do what the drug companies tell us” America, we know that hundreds of thousands have died of the disease, because of a medical system skewed in favor of the rich.

How UK, U.S. created international money-laundering system

How UK, U.S. created international money-laundering system

Oct 16, 2020- On The Backstory October 15th, I talked about the film “The Spider’s Web: Britain‘s Second Empire” about how in the 1960s the Brits took Swiss bank secrecy of the 1930s and expanded it to enable money-laundering by The City of London, the protected British banking cutout made independent from the government.

Propagandizing people for war

Propagandizing people for war

Sept 22, 2020 – This is how companies help propagandize a population for war. This sign is on a storage facility on the West Side Highway and 44th Street in NYC.

French justice minister supports call to US: freedom for Assange

French justice minister supports call to US: freedom for Assange

Aug 31, 2020 – Robin Des Lois, a French organization that works for the rights of prison inmates around the world, today sent a letter to President Trump asking him to drop charges against Julian Assange based on his revelations of U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan.

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